Welcome to Blais Consulting Inc.

Blais Consulting Inc. specializes in providing research, policy analysis and evaluation expertise to regulatory bodies, colleges, universities, professional associations and community organizations.


  • Managing multi-year government-funded projects;
  • Conducting research on access issues and challenges to labour market integration for internationally-educated professionals (IEPs);
  • Designing and facilitating consultations, workshops and consensus-building sessions;
  • Providing research and policy analysis expertise to regulatory and national certification bodies;
  • Presenting research findings at national conferences;
  • Developing evaluation frameworks and conducting project and program evaluations;
  • Coordinating knowledge-sharing events such as mini-conferences;
  • Developing funding proposals.  


  • Listen to clients and stakeholders
  • Do the research
  • Know the context
  • Learn from others
  • Get everyone relevant involved
  • Facilitate and ensure focus on common goals
  • Design solutions that work