- Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators
- Canadian Alliance of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Regulators
- Canadian Alliance of Dental Technology Regulators
- Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists
- Canadian Association of Radiologists
- Centre for Access to Services in English (CASE)
- Canadian Examiners in Optometry
- College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario
- College of Physiotherapists of Ontario
- College of Respiratory Therapists of Ontario
- Council of Ontario Universities
- George Brown College
- Geoscientists Canada
- Human Resources Professionals Association
- JVS Toronto – the IPLAN Project
- McMaster University School of Health Sciences
- Mennonite New Life Centre of Toronto
- Métis Nation of Ontario
- National Alliance of Respiratory Therapy Regulatory Bodies
- National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities
- Nurse Practitioners’ Association of Ontario
- Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists
- Ontario Society of Professional Engineers
- Touchstone Institute
- College of Veterinarians of Ontario
- York University Bridging Program for Internationally Educated professionals